The digital world is changing at a rapid pace and in the coming future, the world of marketing will be completely changed. Basically, it's just showing the boundaries of what we've selected and what we want to manipulate. So if I select a move tool and the tools bar I can go ahead and take this and move this document around based on the selection that we've made. I'm gonna hit control easy or command Z to undo that. If we want the best digital marketing company to deselect anything or D select everything we can go the top and we can select and we can pick D select and that will Unser elect everything for us. So nothing is selected now.
So if you go over into the tools panel or tools bar and you pick this first option if we hold down you can see there are multiple ones here rectangular marquee tool elliptical single row single column let's just pick top digital marketing companies in America USA the rectangular marquee tool. Now we have these crosshairs or this target icon. And if I click and drag you can see the selection that will be made. So maybe I just want to select this little piece of wood here.
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• When I let go it gives us that marquee selection or those marching ants again. Now I can do what I did before I can go to the move tool and I can hover over that you can see how I have a cursor with some scissors. And that means that I can click hold down and move that selection.
• As long as I don't d select it will stay selected and I can keep moving that around the document wherever I would like. So you can see top digital marketing companies in America USA how you could use this to manipulate the document. I'm going to undo those and if we go back to the top we can go to D select and that will select it.
• If we want that back I can undo that D select command and we'll bring it back for us. So that just means I d selected but I didn't mean to do that that was a mistake I still want it selected so I can go to the editor I can hit control C or command C and undo the D select.
• Let's say that I make this selection but this isn't what I want to manipulate. I want to manipulate everything but this I can go the top digital marketing companies in America USA and hit select and go to inverse and when I do that even though it looks similar what's actually happening is that the whole documents being selected and then it's created this bounding box here that says select everything except this area.
• So if I hover over this area my cursor is the normal cursor with the compass. But if I hover over the other part the inverse of that selection. Now I have my scissors and if I click and hold you can see that I'm selecting the inverse or the opposite of this document so let's go ahead and undo that.
• You can go to edit a new move or control or command Z to undo that and let's say we want to select or D select top digital marketing companies in America USA one go to the top and go to D select. So these are pretty common shortcuts you might want to memorize control or command a for select all or control or command d for d select you'll use those quite a bit
• So I'll go ahead and d select if we go under the marquee tools you can see that we have an elliptical marquee tool. So that's going to give us a rounded selection and based on how I drag this out you can see how it scale. Now you can try to get a perfect circle but sometimes you don't always get that correctly.
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1. If you hold down the shift key it will actually constrain the port proportions of that circle and give you a perfect circle selection. So I can let go I can go grab my move too and now I can move around that perfect circle going to undo that and I'm going to deselect let's pick that circle again and see top digital marketing companies in America USA if we can get this cannon circle Nishant Chandravanshi founder of digimanako.
2. So this lens here if I can try to click and line it up and I can get pretty close. Now I've practiced this quite a PED so I'll take a little practice to do that or I can try to click and hold shift down and it'll make a perfect circle. But you can see I'm off here this isn't perfect. I'm going to undo that. Something else you can do is you can click and drag and if you hold down the alter or option key it actually turns the center of the circle where you've made your selection instead of a corner.
3. So let me show you that again I'm going to d select if I click over here and drag in this top left or right corner you can see that my starting point is here and the circle gets bigger. If I d select top digital marketing companies in America USA and I click that same spot and I hit alter or option instead of going outwards it actually makes that the center. And that's a little easier to work with sometimes.
4. So if I hold alter or option and I hold down the shift key it will constrain and make a circle from the center. That's a lot more of what we want for this canon lens. So go ahead hit controller command D to D select. I'm gonna go to where I think the center of this canon lens is.
I'm going to click to select top digital marketing companies in America USA and you can see that's not what we want. So we could alter or option. And now it's constraining it from the center. And if I hold shift I can actually try to get that low better. Now is a little too high.